Today's a Special Day!
Today is a special day for two very important reasons. The first special reason is because today marks the 1st year memorial for my Father. I spent the weekend with my brother in celebration and memory of our Father. Dad, we miss you very much, and we wish you were with us today.
The second special reason is because Clickety Split goes live today! I'm very fortunate to have met Nick from nicekeyboards.com; as I had mentioned in my first post, this little store wouldn't be around without his kindness, patience, and guidance. A special shoutout to Nick! :)
Over the next few months, I hope to continue to build a strong inventory of keyboard components. From switches, to popular keyboard PCBs for DIY enthusiasts, and perhaps those who wish to have a keyboard built to spec.
I'll look into setting up a Clickety Split Discord so we may communicate, build a community to help one another, and to share ideas.
Thank you for visiting, and I wish you and your family well,
Clickety Split
For the love of split keyboards.