Clickety-split...Brown 'n Red Switch!
We can't really say, "it has been lickety-split;" but, we can say that Clickety Split will have Kailh Choc Brown and Red switches in stock very soon.
Arrived May 20th, 2022
When Clickety Split had originally opened—about 8 months ago—there were very few products in-store: nice!nano v2, Mill-Max Sockets and Pins, Tactile Switches, and TRRS Jacks.
Over the course of many months, slowly the money generated from sales had been poured back into products that have been requested by visitors and clients from all over the world.
Clickety Split reinvests all the money generated from sales back into restocking current products, and finding the balance of fulfilling requests of new products that visitors and clients seek—no salaries are drawn because we work a regular day job.
We've been able to bring in Alps rotary encoders, micro switches, MBK keycaps, RGB LEDs, OLED displays, batteries, Kailh Box White, and Choc White switches, and soon...Choc Brown and Choc Red.
Although it's a methodical process, we're proud of what we're building with individuals from around the world. Without all of our Clients' support, Clickety Split wouldn't be where it is today. And, it would be more difficult to procure keyboard components from the diverse manufacturers that we all appreciate in our custom builds.
We may not have all the components you're looking for, but we'll try to bring them in as budget allows for. If you don't see something you like, and if you feel it's a component that many enthusiasts may be seeking, please contact us, and share your thoughts!
Clickety Split
For the love of split keyboards.